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Maeve Connaughton

Social Work Intern


What to Expect in a Session With Me

In our sessions together, I strive to create a supportive and welcoming environment where you can truly engage in the therapeutic process. I firmly believe that the foundation of meaningful growth in therapy is the strength of our therapeutic relationship. My goal is to provide a space where you feel safe to explore and process your experiences, and where we can work collaboratively to make progress.
I view each individual’s journey as unique and valuable, and I am constantly learning from my clients' diverse experiences. My approach involves empathetic listening and a deep understanding of your personal narrative. I am here to support you in achieving your goals and honoring your pace and preferences.
You are the expert on your own life, and as such, you should lead the direction of your therapy. We will work together to tailor interventions that suit your specific needs, situation, and comfort level. All I ask is that you come prepared to engage openly and communicate what works for you and what does not. If you’re still figuring out what you need, we can navigate that discovery process together.
Ultimately, my aim is to foster a collaborative relationship where you feel fully heard and supported. I’m committed to walking alongside you as we work through challenges and celebrate your progress, ensuring that you feel empowered and understood every step of the way.

A Little Bit About Me

Growing up in Charlottesville, I made the move to Richmond for college and fell in love with this city’s vibrant community. My academic journey at VCU started with degrees in Public Relations and Psychology, and it was here that I discovered my passion for working with others. The shift from Charlottesville to Richmond was a significant change, but it provided me with amazing opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Now, as a graduate student pursuing a degree in Social Work, I find fulfillment in connecting with others and learning from every interaction. Each person I’ve met along this journey has influenced me profoundly, whether they are clients or colleagues in this rewarding field.
When I'm not studying or working, you can find me enjoying time with family and friends or diving into a captivating fantasy or romance novel. These moments of relaxation are crucial for me, as they help me recharge and stay connected to what I love.

Availability & Costs

Doesn't accept insurance

$45 per session

Telehealth & In Person 

Minimum Client Age: 5

Intern Information

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