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Kaprice Jackson

Supervisee of Social Work


What to Expect in a Session With Me

If you're reading this, it means you've taken a significant step towards helping yourself and your loved ones. Your decision to seek therapy is not only commendable but it's also a testament to your strength and commitment to personal growth. During our session, we will take the time to connect by building trust and understanding. I will ask you thought-provoking questions about your long-term and short-term goals, as well as what you hope to achieve during our time together. It is vital that you feel a sense of safety, empowerment, and comfort in sharing your life experiences with me, as this will enable me to provide tailored interventions to help you lead a more fulfilled life. Though our life experiences may differ, we all have something to learn from one another. You are the captain of your ship. There is no one like you. I am committed to learning from you as much as I am to providing you with the skills you need to be successful. This is a therapeutic partnership; we are in this together!


A Little About Me


I am a mother, a military spouse, a soldier, a student, a daughter, a sister, and a friend. Like you, I am human, so I can relate to the ups and downs of life's challenges and rewards. I know what it's like to feel alone, and I also know what it's like to find community. There is power in sharing stories and life experiences. It gives us a chance to see one another. I have gained resilience, adaptability, and a deep appreciation for self-care through diverse experiences. I am dedicated to sharing these valuable insights as you embark on your journey. Representation is a powerful tool in therapy, allowing you to find common ground with me through shared experiences, cultural background, or personal values. This shared connection will enrich our therapeutic relationship, fostering understanding, empathy, and trust. My ultimate goal is to offer unwavering support as you progress toward well-being.


Accepts some Insurance

In-person and Telehealth

Minimum Client Age: 5

Contact Information


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